
Numerous studies have demonstrated the positive impact of regular exercise in the treatment of a range of diseases (cancer, depression, neurological disorders, heart and lung diseases, metabolic diseases as well as muscle, bone and joint diseases). Since 2013, 'Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte' shows its interest in this important topic and accordingly assigned the Sports Medicine Research Laboratory of the Luxembourg Institute of Health (LIH) the mission to carry out the project ‘Sport-Santé’.

Our objectives

The project ‘Sport-Santé’ aims to support the promotion in Luxembourg of physical activity as a therapeutic adjuvant and a means for health protection after an illness or an accident. This project, which is supported by ‘Œuvre Nationale de Secours Grande-Duchesse Charlotte’, has three main objectives: to increase the number of participants in existing groups offering therapeutic physical exercise, to increase the offer of therapeutic sports and to maintain this offer.

Our initiatives

The objectives of the project ‘Sport-Santé’ will be pursued through several initiatives:

➝ Launch of a national awareness campaign (construction of an Internet portal, organisation of informative conferences, flyers distribution, etc.)
➝ Advocacy and logistical support for the current therapeutic groups
➝ Support for the development of the offer of therapeutic sports on the territory.

The success of the project ‘Sport-Santé’ depends on the involvement of all stakeholders: patients, trainers, health professionals and public authorities. This mobilisation must be supported over time in order to both develop innovative practical solutions and to render the project sustainable.