RRI4 - End of recruitment

The Sports Medicine Research Laboratory (LIH) has launched a new large study on running. This study is the first to investigate the running technique and the risk of injury in a cohort of over 800 runners! This is one of the largest groups of runners observed over a period of several months. The aim of the study is to identify the influence of the damping properties of the running shoes, the body weight, as well as the running technique on the risk of injury.

The recruitment phase is completed now. More than 870 participants were included in the study. The latter will finish at the end of July 2018. The study conclusions will be available on this site by the end of the year.

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Mort Subite bei Sportler

RTL: Sport kann eng Therapie sinn. Sport kann och eng Präventioun sinn. Wann de Sport allerdéngs krank mécht, dann ass dat e contre-sens. A Frankräich seet d’Statistik, datt all Joer 1000–2000 Leit hiert Liewe beim Sport loossen. An Däitschland läit d’Zuel bei ronn 1000. Zu Lëtzebuerg goufen et dëst Joer scho 5 esou Fäll. Offiziell Chiffere gëtt et nach keng. Am Luxembourg Institute of Health sinn se awer am Gaang, eng Datebank opzestellen. E Reportage vum Guy Seyler.

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